Green and healthy from Lent with smoothies
Today there’s a healthy smoothie recipe with lots of vitamins. Some of you may have fasted the last days and weeks before Easter and a vegetable smoothie like this offers a rounded end and gives you energy and a good mood. I didn’t stick to the fasting period, but lately I have made myself a smoothie more often, as the preparation is super easy – especially if you have a blender in the house and it is more filling than a glass Juice. In addition, you can mix everything the refrigerator has to offer into a green smoothie. Who else can manage the required five servings of fruit and vegetables a day? So I already had smoothies with kale, wild garlic, pineapple, spinach and, just like today, with celery and cucumber. I usually add one or two types of fruit and don’t drink pure vegetable smoothies. Maybe I’ll have to try that in the near future.
The smoothies can be modified very well. Incidentally, since I didn’t have any juice in the house today, I took the juice from two squeezed oranges. Otherwise you can mix the ingredients with a cup of juice. As a rule of thumb, you can say one cup of each ingredient and then mix everything together. As for herbs, I still had parsley and basil today. I simply forgot the lemon balm that I wanted to use.
With a smoothie there are no limits and I would say anything that tastes good can be mixed well. Bottom up!
The ingredients
Juice of two oranges
Juice of one lemon
Juice of one lime
1 apple
½ cucumber with peel
1 – 2 stalks of celery
as desired Honey or agave syrup, if you like it sweeter
The preparation
1) Peel everything into small cubes if, like me, only has a hand blender and no stand mixer.
2) Then fill the fruit and vegetable cubes in a tall container and puree with the hand blender until there are no pieces left.
3) Pour into a glass and drink!