Dental visits are important to your overall health, as they enable your dentist to catch problems early. Not only does this improve your overall wellness, but it also helps you to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. During a visit, you will receive a range of dental services, including cleanings, fillings, and X-rays. Your Dentist in Wicker Park will also meet educational needs, such as educating you about the proper tooth brushing technique and frequency. Knowledge about oral health can result in lasting changes to your lifestyle.
How often should I see a dentist?
The frequency of dental checkups depends on your overall health and oral hygiene. The Dental Association recommends one visit a year for everyone, but many people may need more frequent visits to ensure optimal oral health. Regular checkups can prevent problems from arising, including tooth decay, gum disease, and other painful consequences. Regardless of the reason, dental visits are an important part of overall health and well-being.The frequency of dental visits largely depends on your insurance plan and overall health. Most dental insurance plans cover two exams per year. Even if you have the best oral hygiene routine, you should still get regular cleanings and checkups. You might be surprised to learn that a single dental visit can save you thousands of dollars over the course of a lifetime. A good rule of thumb is to make an appointment every six months or so.
Your dentist will recommend a visit every six months. A visit every six months will keep your mouth healthy and help identify any problems. If problems are detected early, they can be treated and can be prevented completely. If, however, you continue to ignore your dental visits, they may become larger and harder to treat in the future. The frequency of dental checkups will depend on your lifestyle, if you are HIV positive, you may need more frequent appointments than someone who is otherwise healthy.
If you have a history of gum disease or other health conditions
You should consult a dentist more often if you have a history of gum disease or another health condition. If you have gum disease, it’s important to make sure you’re getting regular checkups, especially if you have crooked teeth, are on blood pressure medication, or have had gum disease in the past. If your gums become tender or bleed when brushing, they may be swollen. If you experience these symptoms, your dentist may recommend a gum surgery or refer you to a periodontist.
Some oral diseases are more common in men than in women. Men with periodontal disease are 14 percent more likely to develop other types of cancer. Therefore, you should see a dentist for periodontal disease or other problems at an early age. Women are also more vulnerable to periodontal disease because of changes in their hormone levels. Swollen gums and mouth sores can signal a deeper infection.
If you have a family history of gum disease or other health problems, you should consult a dentist more often to monitor any changes in your gum tissue. Inflammatory medical conditions, such as diabetes, can increase the risk of gum disease. People with heart disease and diabetes may also want to see a periodontist more often. And, of course, people who smoke should visit a dentist as well. Regular cleanings will prevent plaque buildup. If detected early, gum disease can be treated, which will save you time and money later.
Taking good care of your teeth at home can extend the time between visits
Regular visits to a dentist should be part of a routine. Depending on your needs, you may visit twice per year, or more frequently if you have a particularly unhealthy mouth. However, if you’re unable to visit a dentist because of social distancing measures like COVID-19, you can still take steps to take good care of your teeth at home. Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly are essential.
Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly will help prevent cavities. If you don’t brush and floss regularly, bacteria will build up on your teeth and enter your gums. This bacteria will get into these pockets, where they can access your bloodstream. A cavity is a dangerous situation for people who are missing a tooth or have partial dentures. It’s especially important to see a dentist regularly for a checkup.
Maintaining your dental health is vital for your overall well-being. Regular visits to a dentist will keep your teeth and gums free of bacteria and keep them looking great. Practicing good oral hygiene at home will extend the time between visits to the dentist. By keeping your mouth clean and healthy, you’ll be able to go longer between trips to the dentist, which is great for your pocket book.